
Every company has them. Their own custom words created to describe the ridiculous day-to-day idiocies of office life. Yes they make us laugh, but make no mistake, their main function is to prevent us from going nuts.

Administall (admin•a•stal) -
When an administrator tells the user that his/her problem will be fixed in the next release of Pro/E.
submitted by: Jeff Cool

AutoBAD (ot•ð•bad) -
A state of mind that causes an individual to only think in a 2D world.

BADministrator (bad•‘min•a•strât•or) -
A CAD Administrator who should not be a CAD Administrator. [short - BADmin]

CADamoron (kad•a•mð•ron) -
A member of the Pro/MORON list.

CADammit (kad•dam•it) -
The string of obscenities uttered by someone who just suffered a CADastrophe.
submitted by: Michael Birmingham

CADastrophe (ka•dass•tr•ð•fee) -
A great, often sudden unrecoverable loss of CAD data [syn:CADaclysm]

CAD Booger (kad•boo•g•er) -
A feature created to blindly fill in holes or other flaws in a model. Characterized by random sketching, weak dimensions, and haphazard references. Almost always fails on regeneration and cannot be modified unless you created the model yourself. [see job security]
submitted by: Steve Norgrove & Bill Shepler

CADbury Easter Eggs (kad•be•ree•ee•ster•eggs) -
Irrelevant, often humorous, features that designers insert in models to entertain themselves.
submitted by: Mike Misiewicz

CADerpillar (kad•er•pill•er) -
A CAD user who operates at the speed of a larvae

CADouflage (cad•ð•flaj) -
Using screen shots of various CAD sessions as a screen saver to give the illusion that you are working while you are not on the premises.
submitted by: Maurie Lattimore

CADstipation (kad•sta•pâ•shun) -
A bloated model that takes forever to load over the network.
submitted by: Michael Birmingham

CONsultant (con•sul•tant) -
A hired gun with a sharp resume who cons you into thinking they know what they're doing, but in reality repackages your ideas and claims them as their own. All at a steep price.
submitted by: Rich Chartrand

credits (kred•its)
The string of error messages that roll by as your part or assembly loads. No one pays attention to the credits.

datagasm (dat•a•gaz•em)
The exciting sensation you get when looking at the pretty colors from FEA or CFD results regardless of how accurate they are.
submitted by: Jeff Zemsky

death-plot (deth•plot)
Having violent feelings toward an unpredictable printer.

HAFNR (haff•ner) -
Abbreviation for "Hole Added For No Reason". A term describing a cut or hole feature that provides no known benefit to a sheetmetal part.
submitted by: Chad Petersen with kudos to Seubert

iconnoisseur (î•kon•i•sûr) -
A user who's workspace is so badly maintained that their session looks like a bowl of Trix cereal.

internment (in•tern•ment) -
The sentence of a poor starving student to three months of hard labor and low pay, picking up the slack and cleaning messes by tripling the output of the expert you recently hired. [see CONsultant]
submitted by: Rich Chartrand

job security (job se•cu•ri•tê) -
1. Freedom from risk or danger of becoming unemployed. 2. Existing in a stable employment situation. 3. When you are the only one who can work on your CAD models.

legazy data (lag•a•zê dâta) -
Copying CAD data rather than redoing something that should be redone resulting in legacy dependencies.

magicianeer (ma•'jish•en•êr) -
An engineer who is not worthy of employment but somehow keeps his job by periodically pulling a rabbit out of his, uhh, pocket protector.

over-draft (ð•ver•draft) -
Over detailing a CAD model with unneeded features such as threads, extruded text and screen mesh.

Pro/BABBLE (prð•bah•bol)-
The mutterings of a Pro/E user when he/she has discovered a CAD Booger in the model they are working on. This almost always leads to a CADammit.
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/BLEM (prð•blem) -
A known CAD software bug.

Pro/BUBBLY (prð•bub•lee) -
Describing rookie, euphoric, motivated, even giddy young users of CAD products as they delight in learning. This state of Pro/BUBBLINESS soon fades when reality sets in. [homonym "probably"]
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/CEDURE (prð•see•jer)-
Cumbersome standard work processes that reduces JOB SECURITY.
submitted by: Thorbjorn F. Jacobsen

Pro/CEED (prð•seed)-
What the Pro/FESSOR tells you after he spends two minutes at your desk fixing something that you have spent 4 hours trying to fix.
submitted by: Steve Worthington

Pro/CRASHTINATE (prð•krash•tin•âte) -
To put off modifying a CAD file knowing the next mouse click will probably take you immediately to BSOD (blue screen of death).
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/CRASTINATE (prð•kras•tin•âte) -
To put off modifying a CAD file knowing the decision cycle will come full circle requiring no change.

Pro/CREATE (prð•kree•ate)-
When a Pro/MORON creates a single family table generic that can automagically morph from a tooth pick to a coffee cup. This almost always results in job security (see above).
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/CURE (prð•kyoor)-
What you get when the CAD admin finally convinces management to get rid of the Pro/MORONS.
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/DEUCE (prð•doose)-
The forgotten duplicated object that still maintains all the parameters of the object it copied, including part number.
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/FANITY (prð•fan•i•tee)-
The most commonly used module in Pro/Engineer.
submitted by: Jason Anderson

Pro/FESSION (prð•fesh•un)-
An admission of guilt where you did not adhere to company’s CAD standards.
submitted by: Alan Blatter

Pro/FESSIONAL (prð•fesh•un•el)-
Where you go to confess your modeling sins. [see Pro/FESSION]
submitted by: Alan Blatter

Pro/FESSOR (prð•fes•or) -
A company's CAD guru.

Pro/FOUND (prð•fownd)-
Past tense for the high one experiences once he has located a poorly named layout, upon which an entire project depended.
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/FUSION (prð•fyoo•zhuhn)-
The results you get when a user combines every feature of a model into a single sketch.
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/Lapse (prð•laps)-
That temporary yet lengthy loss of mental fortitude that results from an excessively long regen cycle. Often manifested in a hypnotic, expressionless, stare. 
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/LIFER (prð•ly•fer)-
A user who has been using Pro/E since it first came out.
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/MORON (prð•mo(e)r•än)-
The list every CAD Administrator has of bad CAD users. You do not want to be on this list.

Pro/PAIN (prð•pâne)-
A Pro/E user who asks for help on the same subject week after week. These people are usually candidates for the Pro/MORON list.
submitted by: Scott Owen

Pro/RATA (prð•rat•a)-
The @#$%^&* who reveals your poor modeling habits to the entire group during a training session.
submitted by: Chad Petersen

Pro/(s)Thesis (prðse•thee•sis)-
A CAD standard that works according to the CAD documentation, but is amputated in the CAD software.
submitted by: Bjarne Frandsen

Pro/STITUTE (prð•sti•toot)-
An engineer who’s main design tool is PowerPoint .

quickfixdelete (kwik•fiks•de•leet)-
If all else fails and you can not resolve a failed feature/component, just hit quick fix then delete and let the next person worry about it.
submitted by: Brian Stauffer

regenersurfing (rê•jen•er•sir•fin) -
The act of creating long CAD software regeneration cycles with the intent of browsing the world-wide-web while "waiting".

ruinventor (ru•in•ven•tor) -
One who invents something that ruins everyone's fun (example: Mr. Radar Gun).

shortboarding (short•bord•ing) -
Surfing the world-wide-web using a little browser just under your CAD window to avoid being noticed.

slide job (slide•job) -
A personally profitable side project which causes a slide in the quality of work an employee was hired to do.

SPF (ess•pee•eff) -
A number on a scale for rating solid model quality. SPF stands for Suppressed - Packaged - Frozen.

spinner (spin•er) -

An engineer who spends more time spinning and zooming in and out of his model than he does working.

sPrinting (ss•print•ing) -
Calmly but nervously rushing to the printer to retrieve "non work related" prints before anyone sees them.

system maintenance (sis•tem mâne•ten•ens) -
The reason a System Administrator gives for having to restart the server after he has messed something up.

threedeeaphobe (thrê•dê•a•fðb) -
A CAD user who refuses to see the importance of three dimensional solid modeling. (See AutoBAD)

train-wreck (trane•rek) -
When something goes terribly wrong in a CAD training class, causing you to fail miserably in whatever learning exercise you are attempting. This is usually when the trainer walks by and senses your nervous embarrassment.