Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Time to Celebrate the Designers

So here I am on class trip with my 10 year old daughter stuck in the back of a touring bus with a dozen sugar-intoxicated screeching girls. All I can say is "thank God for noise canceling ear-buds!!!". These things are absolutely wonderful.

As the FooFighters drowned out the cackling it got me thinking about the wonderful things in my life, and that someone designed them all. iPods, guitars, fishing reels and gas-grills. Someone like me sat through brainstorming sessions, made CAD models, and worked the tolerance stack-ups the same way I do every day.

It made me proud to do what i do.

It also jumpstarted my imagination. I started to think, "Us Designers need to be honored properly". And what higher form of honor is there than a Bud Light "Real American Heroes" commercial?

So here you go:

Bud Light presents, Real American Heroes.
(Real American Heroes)

Today we salute you Mr. 3-D CAD Designer Guy.
(Mr. 3-D CAD Designer Guy)

Never before has being an uber geek been so cool.
Just you, your computer, and 12 cups of bad office coffee.
(Man, I have to pee)

Sure, most guys dream of spending a day with a model, but you're paid to do it every single day.
(Way cooler than the accountants)

You check them out. You measure their curves. You even get to spin them around.
(ctrl / middle mouse button)

So crack open a Bud Lite oh Master of the Mouse and we'll keep wishing we were as cool as you think you are.
(Mr. 3-D CAD Designer)

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